2008年11月19日 星期三

HKOC Champ 08-09

日期: 2008年12月14日星期日
賽區: 大帽山形式: 越野式 及 微形定向 (帶 * 的組別設有微形定向)
地圖: 1:10 000 等高線間距5米 (微形定向: 1:10 000 VI: 5m)
計時: Chinahealth電子打卡及計時系統
獎項: 各組均設冠亞季軍獎(不足十名參賽者之組別,只設冠軍獎)
報名: 請填妥報名表格並附上劃線支票(抬頭請完整填寫“香港野外定向會”或HONG KONG ORIENTEERING CLUB) 寄回本會工作坊 (見下列查詢及聨絡資料欄)支票背面請寫上參加者姓名及比賽名稱。
如將報名費存入本會中國銀行(香港)戶口: 031-377-1-0441357, 可將存款單據副本連同報名表格經電郵或傳真遞交。
截止: 2008年12月2日星期二

Date: Sunday, December 14, 2008
Venue:Tai Mo ShanType:Cross Country and Micro-O (Mirco-O is arranged for classes marked with *)
Map:1:10 000, VI 5m, (Mirco-O: 1:10 000, VI: 5m)
Timing System: Chinahealth Electronic Punching and Timing System Use Personal CH-Card (Electronic Control Card) or rent from the organizer
Prizes:The best 3 runners will be awarded (Only the best will be awarded for class with less than 10 entries)
Enrollment: the completed entry Please mail the completed form with a crossed cheque made payable to the “HONG KONG ORIENTEERING CLUB” in full wording to HKOC Workshop (see below the Enquires and Contact Information). Please write down the names of the participant and the competition at the back of the cheque.The entry may be submitted with the copy of pay-in slip by email or fax if payment is made by cash deposit into our Bank of China (Hong Kong) Account No. 031-377-1-0441357.
Entry Deadline:Tuesday, December 2, 2008

報名表 Entry Form:http://www.hkoc.org/event/hkocchamp2008-2009form.doc

more: http://www.hkoc.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=9
